About Us
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Michigan District, and Capitol Circuit (consisting of LCMS congregations in Lansing, Charlotte, Leslie, and Howell).
Our Mission
Trinity Lutheran Church was founded in 1871 and is a member congregation of the Michigan District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
In response to the grace given by God, Trinity's misson is to prepare and nuture its members, enabling them to step forward in faith and reach out with Christ's love to others who have spiritual, physical, and emotional needs.
We envision a vibrant, growing congregation that serves the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of its members and the surrounding community.

What Is a Lutheran?
While there are a variety of ways one could answer this question, one very important answer is simply this, “A Lutheran is a person who believes, teaches and confesses the truths of God’s Word as they are summarized and confessed in the Book of Concord.” The Book of Concord contains the Lutheran confessions of faith.
Find out more on our beliefs and what it means to be a Lutheran on our Beliefs page.
What To Expect
Sunday service is at 8:45 a.m., our worship style is liturgical and follows the traditional orders of service found in The Lutheran Hymnal (TLH, or the Red Hymnal). Holy Communion is celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.
Wednesday service is at 5:30 p.m., this worship service is more informal and contains singing a few songs or a Psalm, followed by a Bible reading, a short message, and ending with the Evening Suffrages found in TLH.
A bulletin is provided for both services so that visitors and congregants may easily follow along.